The Average Pastor Podcast

Podcast Pic
Two average pastors in a shameless selfie.

My ministry teammate Joe Iovino and I have started a new podcast we’re calling “The Average Pastor.” Since neither of us is a celebrity pastor and both us wrestle with ideas, issues, and insights for the local church, we thought it’d be great to have a podcast for regular preachers and church folk whose church are less “mega” and more neighborhood–a “festivus for the rest of us,” if you will (grievances may be aired but feats of strength will be minimized). These are the kinds of conversations that we often have here in the office basis, and we thought it would be great for our church (and anyone else who’s a pastor or a member of any church) to have access to our average-yet-maybe-inspirational thoughts. We’ll be doing our best to put out a new edition every week. So far we’ve talked about the nature and order of traditional worship, and about the devotional life. If you’re looking for something to listen to in the car on the way to work or consider while you’re taking a walk–and have always wanted to listen to the ramblings and rumblings of a couple of average pastors–this podcast is for you.

You can download the podcast from iTunes by searching “TLUMC Podcasts” (we’ll be setting up a separate podcast channel soon), or you can listen or download from our website. We hope this will spark some conversation and get you thinking about your own life in Christ!



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