Now Can We Sing? – Day 33 of Lent

I turn my space for today's meditation over to Bishop Will Willimon, whose article in the latest Christian Century really struck me as being very poignant during these troubled times of disasters, economic, natural, and otherwise. It's all about how we are to see suffering through the lens of Easter joy. Check it out here

To add my own take on it, one of the basic questions that I think drives us as Christians has to do with our worldview and whether we view the world as inherently good or inherently evil (or, as some might posit, a mixture of both). We can become so enamored with our views that either our naivete on the one hand or our self-righteous anger on the other keeps us from seeing the world through the lens of God's Kingdom. Bishop Will does a great job of laying out those differences in this article.

Hope you enjoy it on the Lenten Friday. 

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